Episode 72: Well-Known and Lesser-Known Problems With Our Healthcare System is now available on Podbean, Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Tune In.
In this episode, I discuss some of the well-known and lesser-known problems with the United States healthcare system.
I start by discussing that federal law requires the states to seek reimbursement from Medicaid beneficiaries’ estates upon their deaths. While this usually applied to Medicaid beneficiaries who were 55 or older when they received benefits, it can also apply to beneficiaries of any age under certain circumstances.
I also discuss the unnecessary deaths caused by our healthcare system, the high costs of our healthcare system, other economic effects of our healthcare system, how insurance companies deny care, and how doctors often need to fight the insurance companies to get patients the treatments and medications they need.
I end with a discussion of a new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report that documents some of the benefits that Medicare for All would provide.
Do not miss this episode as I discuss information you need to know about the United States healthcare system and Medicare for All.
More information on the topics discussed in this episode can be found at these links:
Information about Medicaid recovering costs can be at these two links: Medicaid Estate Recovery: Long-Term Care Benefits Aren’t Necessarily ‘Free’ and How Medicaid Recovers the Cost of Long-Term Care From Your Estate After You Die.
The referenced Families USA report can be found here: Catastrophic Cost of Uninsurance: COVID-19 Cases and Deaths Closely Tied to America’s Health Coverage Gaps.
The referenced Commonwealth Fund report can be found here: U.S. Health Insurance Coverage in 2020: A Looming Crisis in Affordability.
The referenced CBO report can be found here: Economic Effects of Five Illustrative Single-Payer Health Care Systems.