Episode 58: What You Need To Know About Medicare, Medigap, Medicare (Dis)Advantage, and How Medicare for All Benefits Seniors, Part 2 is now available on Podbean, Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Tune In.
My guest, Diane Archer, is founder and president of Just Care USA, an independent digital media hub that focuses on health and financial issues facing boomers and their parents. Ms. Archer serves on the Brown University School of Public Health Advisory Board, and is the past chair of the Board of Consumer Reports. She began her career in health advocacy in 1989 as founder and president of the Medicare Rights Center, a national consumer service organization dedicated to ensuring that older and disabled Americans get the health care they need. Ms. Archer received her J.D. degree from Harvard Law School.
In Part 1, we discussed problems with Medicare, Medigap or Supplemental plans, and how Medicare Advantage puts you at a disadvantage.
Part 2 discusses problems with direct contracting, changes to improve Medicare, and how seniors would benefit from Medicare for All.
Do not miss this episode as Ms. Archer discusses how to improve Medicare and how seniors would benefit from Medicare for All.