Episode 64: Highlights, Volume 2 is now available on Podbean, Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes), Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher and Tune In.
In this episode, I take clips that highlight important points about Medicare for All.
I highlight:
- Why single-payer healthcare was a revelation for Stephanie Nakajima.
- How fire departments provide a good example of why we need public funding for healthcare. Dr. George Bohmfalk describes how fire departments came about and how that relates to health care and Medicare for All.
- How the experience of Jean Ross, president of National Nurses United, led her to support Medicare for All.
Do not miss this episode as I highlight these important points about Medicare for All.
The podcasts referenced in this episode are:
- Episode 15: A Revelation
- Episode 7: Putting Out the Fire With Medicare for All
- Episode 12: When You’ve Got a For-Profit System, True Care Goes Out the Window